Working With Miso's Team

Miso is a deeply flexible platform designed to enable any eCommerce company or marketplace to build personalized search and discovery features just like Amazon or Google. To help you build with maximum power and confidence, Miso's team (including personalization experts that have received global recognition for their research) is there at every step of the way to work hand-in-hand with your product and engineering teams to implement your desired product and UX. This work generally breaks down into three phases.

🔌 Phase 1: Data Integration (1-2 weeks)

👋 Pairing up on Slack and Zoom

We’ll create a shared Slack channel and Zoom room so we can always pair our work together and field questions any time.

🔑 Dojo and API Key Access

The Miso team will set you up with your Dojo account and access to your development and production environments. You'll complete the Quickstart using sample data to get familiar with Miso.

🪝Backfilling Interaction Data

We'll work with you to upload your historical interaction data via API or via a direct integration with your data system.

📖 Product Catalog Ingestion

We'll work with you to upload and stream your product catalog info regarding locational availability, price, discounts and more. Direct integrations with your data system are possible here as well.

🙋 Uploading User Profiles

OPTIONAL: We'll work with you to send hashed user profile to Miso via API or a direct integration (e.g. Amplitude).

🌊 Interaction Streaming

We'll work with you to sync interaction events directly with Miso via frontend calls to our API from your JavaScript code.

🏎 Phase 2: Engine Tuning (1 week)

👩🔧 Setting up your engines

With help from our team, you'll define the conversions and optimization goals that you want to see for your product/UX. Then it just takes a few clicks to train your engines with these configurations.

💹 Retrospective Performance Benchmark

With your engines trained, we will run Miso's models in hold-out against 3-6 months of your real historical traffic to confirm we can achieve the expected conversion lift.

🏋 QPS Latency Benchmarking

We will load test our API endpoints at a high QPS and measure your average latency and 95% latency.

🤔 Persona and Catalog Insights

We'll deliver insights into how different user cohorts are behaving and outlier content or products to watch.

🍱 Bento Customization

OPTIONAL: Ask your Miso solutions engineer about Bento, our front-end UI kit. We can provide tailored CSS, UI components, etc. so you can easily build new personalization use cases across your site with best practices engagement and conversions.

👩🔬 Phase 3: A/B Testing (3-4 Weeks)

👪 Split Your Cohorts

Using or our own lightweight A/B testing framework, you can manually or automatically pass cohort assignments in your interaction data, and Miso will automatically track and analyze the experiment.

🧪 A/B Analytics

Because we’re tracking the key interaction events with cohort assignment, Miso will send a full data report every week on our core engagement and revenue lift.

🙌 Weekly Reviews and Tuning

We'll sync up weekly on Zoom and Slack to review lift and key metrics and discuss:

📈 24/7 Monitoring

Our team will run your pilot with a full enterprise SLA so that any outages or spikes in latency are caught and handled immediately. Always feel free to ping us or ask questions and a member of our global team will be there to help within less than one hour max.

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