Cart Upselling

With Miso’s Recommendation Engine, you can provide upsells on the cart page right before the user goes through the checkout flow.

Example for Cart Upselling


Before a user goes through checkout, Cart Upselling is the "last chance" to suggest items that may result in a more valuable conversion for your site. These are products that are related to the existing products in the cart, and often suggested as a replacement with a higher price to increase your average order value, or to meet a minimum order value requirement. Typically, upsells are displayed directly on the cart page itself, or in a popup right before the user enters the checkout flow. They are often accompanied by UX strategies like discounting and urgency.

For example, suppose a customer adds a Red Baron frozen pizza to their cart. Using Miso’s Recommendation engine, you can show a deal for an alternative product on the cart page that has a higher margin, such as Diogorno (a purely hypothetical example).

To fully optimize your checkout user journey, you may also want to consider using the companion Cart Cross-Selling recipe to generate recommendations that are complementary to the items in the cart.

Do it with APIs

To enable Cart Cross-selling, simply use the Product to Products API and include the ids of the products in the customer’s cart inside the product_ids array within the request body. You can also include filters or merchandising techniques such as boosting and anchoring to fine-tune recommendations. From the example above, the API request could look like the following:

POST /v1/recommendation/product_to_products
    "user_id": "user-123",
    "product_ids": ["ben_jerrys_cherry_garcia", "red_baron_frozen_pizza"],
    "fq": "categories:\\\"Frozen Pizza\\\" AND margin > 0.2"

The response would look like:

    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "took": 81,
        "miso_id": "a4606bf0-ddd3-11eb-ba80-0242ac130004",
        "products": [
                "product_id": "digiorno_pepperoni_pizza",
                "price": 6.79,
                ..., // Additional scoring information
                "product_id": "cpk_thin_crust_pepperoni",
                "price": 7.99,
                ..., // Additional scoring information

Additional Resources

For more information on Miso’s Recommendation API, check out the official API Documentation.

For more recipes like this, visit the Recipes page on our Docs site.

Published Date: April 15th, 2022

API Reference


Need more info on the API? Check out our dedicated API page with all the info you could ever want.

Read API Reference
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